Speaker Program FAQs

Speaker Program FAQs

Can we collect donations for our organizations at the event?
No – fundraising at Speakers events is prohibited.

Can I book a speaker for a K-12 school class?
Certain programs are available for K-12 classrooms. By selecting a Speaker program, at the top will be an indication if the presentation is suitable for classrooms, and if so which grades.

Will Delaware Humanities fund a speaker who isn’t listed in the catalog?
No. In addition, Speakers can only present the programs listed in the catalog.

Does Delaware Humanities publicize my event?
Delaware Humanities, with your permission, will add the Speaker’s presentation with your organization to our calendar. Your organization is responsible for advertising and generating an audience of at least 20 people. Publicity advice is featured on the next page.

Are there are any limits to the number of presentations my organization can request in a fiscal year?
An organization can only request a specific presentation once per cycle (November 1-April 30 and May 1-October 31). There is no limit to the number of requests an organization can make in a cycle for unique presentations. Remember that Delaware Humanities has a budget for the Speaker program, and once funds are depleted all future requests will be denied.

Are programs restricted to the counties where the presenters live?
No – presenters may travel to any location in Delaware.

Can we audio record/videotape the program?
Virtual presentations may not be recorded. For in-person presentations, please ask the Speaker when you schedule your event.

I’m a humanities scholar – how can I become a Speaker?
Anyone interested in becoming a Speaker should contact Delaware Humanities.